Image of person looking out window while working at home office

Creating the Perfect Home Office Space

In Buyers, Homeowners, Sellers by Doug Phelps

Last week, The Netherlands officially made a ruling stating that employers need to make remote work and work at home options available, as appropriate for the nature of the job.  This is the first time a country has gone to such extremes to advocate for remote employees. Between the increase in the digital working environment, COVID and more companies switching to a global environment, remote and work at home is here to stay.  Whether you work at home or may plan to work at home in the future, a home office space is integral to your professional success.  It’s estimated that 25% of US workers are remote employees so home offices are more important than ever.  Some homes are perfect for a home office, while others lack space and send their owners seeking new homes that are better for working at home.  Either way, creating the perfect office space is much more than just setting up a desk and a computer.  Here are some foundational questions to ask yourself while making the perfect home office space:

1. Do you have enough room?

In recent years, I’ve had people approach me with new home search criteria that now includes dedicated home office space.  Some clients even have upgraded their home with the sole purpose of gaining better office space, especially if there are multiple remote workers in the home.  For example, maybe one spouse worked out of the home a few years ago but now both do plus a child attending college remotely and they all need their own space.  Nowadays having the appropriate amount of space for home offices is key to success because if you feel cramped and uncomfortable all day, everyday you may not be doing the best you can. 

2. Are you in the right space?

Do you love big bright windows but you’re stuck in a dark and unfinished basement?  Or maybe you share an office with your toddler who frequently runs in and out of the room making it hard to concentrate on phone calls.  It’s important to be in the right space in your home to be in the proper mindset to work.  You may not need a totally dedicated space to have an office, but it needs to be the right space for you.  For example, maybe you’ve since converted a larger closet into a home office but that closet is organized, well-lit and your desk fits nicely.  It’s important that you’re in the right space in your home for a home office. 

3. Are you organized?

Home offices can take many forms and can have the distinct personality of their owners.  Depending on the nature of your work you may only have a laptop, or maybe you have large calendars, whiteboards and a lot of clutter in your office.  There is logic to organizing your space so that you feel organized throughout your day.  If you pay attention, you may notice that the days you feel unorganized are the same days you feel stressed and overwhelmed.  Organizing your space will help you work better.  Part of organizing your space may include personalizing your space too.  For example, don’t feel you need monotone, matte black or grey furniture and decorations around if you like vibrant, beach themes in your office space.  Make it your own, after all you need to look at it all day. 

4. Is your home office comfortable?

If you’re able to, you should invest in your home office to be the most comfortable you can be.  Some employees give a home office credit so that workers can furnish their space on behalf of the company, but if not it’s still important to make your space comfortable.  You need to make sure you have a chair that doesn’t hurt your back, enough lighting in the room, appropriate Wi-Fi signals, a desk, computer and maybe some things like a printer, larger monitor and filing cabinet.  Part of making your space comfortable includes organizing it but another part of making it comfortable includes making it a space you actually like being in so that you enjoy everyday a little more.  

Have you outgrown your home office? Are you in the market to buy or sell your home?  Call and text me at (720) 323-4176 or email me at [email protected]

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