A Photo Album – Worth More Than Just Vacation Photos

In Homeowners by Doug Phelps

Think about the room you are sitting in as you read this post. Now, close your eyes and try to recall every single item in the room. Can you do it?

Chances are, you can’t.

Yet, if your home were robbed or suffered a fire, this is exactly what you would have to do. However, having photos of your rooms and all the things in them – before a loss – helps accurately document all contents in case of a loss. Such documentation results in greater compensation from your insurance company because you don’t accidentally forget any details.

Taking inventory of personal items can seem overwhelming. On the other hand, imagine having to replace all the items in your home, such as jewelry, clothes, computers, electronics, artwork. Ask anyone you know who has endured a loss like this, and the difference it would have made. This may give you the motivation to carry out the activity.

Devote some time now, it will save you in the long run. It may take a few hours or perhaps an afternoon; do it all at once or divide the project up as time allows, a room or two at a time. Here are three approaches to consider when creating a home inventory:

Good: Take photos or video of all possessions, including inside cabinets, closets and drawers. Put the photos/video on a thumb drive or disk and store it anywhere except within the home. Better yet, upload to a cloud-based software program.

Better: Take photos or video as above, and make notations on a spreadsheet of serial and model numbers, and descriptions of the more expensive items. Store all away from the home.

Best: There are several free or low-cost home inventory software programs available. Choose one to create a computerized inventory. These programs are easy to use and will help you create a far more comprehensive inventory record. The Insurance Information Institute provides a free program; check it out – https://www.knowyourstuff.org.

For paid software programs, look at https://home-inventory-software-review.toptenreviews.com.


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